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LH DETECT® for cattle

LH DETECT® for cattle

An immuno-enzymatic (not radio-active) assay kit to accurately measure Luteinizing Hormone in various animal species.

  • LH DETECT® can be used in a laboratory for highly accurate measurements and detection of the pre-ovulatory LH surge, from a blood, serum or plasma sample. For sheep and goats, measurement can also be done on a milk sample.



LH DETECT® is particularly useful for the following works :

  • Following the LH secretions during the male and female sexual cycle
  • Studying the micropulsatility of LH secretions
  • Determining the most appropriate time to proceed to an artificial insemination insofar as the time between LH surge and ovulation is known and constant for each specie
  • Any other study requiring an accurate LH measurement

LH detection can be done from blood, plasma or serum samples, and even in the milk of sheeps.

Choose your substrate: ABTS or TMB (recommanded for quantitative works); and your kind of plate: entire one or  strip one (divisible in 16-well segments).

LH DETECT® is build under an exclusive and wordlwide INRA licence.



LH DETECT® is an ELISA sandwich type immunoenzymatic test. The enzymatic activity is revealed by a chromogenic substrate.

Reaction intensity is proportionnal to LH concentration in the test sample. They evaluation may be performed visually (qualitative) or measured with a spectrophotometer.

For qualitative assay, a positive control sample permits the reaction validation. For this use, we recommend using ABTS as substrate.

For quantitative assay, a scale of standards, produced with the LH of the concerning specie, is used. In this case, we recommend using TMB as substrate.

You can choose between two types of plate: entire one, or strip one divisible in 16-well segments. The strip one allows avoiding defrosting all the wells when only a few samples are going to be tested.



Please find below the schematic procedure of LH DETECT®. It describes all the procedure, including sample and reagents preparation.

More detailed data are sent with any product order through our website. For any question regarding to the use of LH DETECT®, please ask to our technical team by using the 'Contact' email.

Download the schematic procedure



LH DETECT® can be used for the following works:

  • Accurate and quantitative study of LH secretions micropulsatility: take a sample every 15 minutes during a 10 hours period (Khireddine et al., 1998).
  • Preovulatory LH surge detection among cows after œstrus and ovulation synchronization treatment (CRESTAR) :

    Two protocols have been described :

    • Measurement from blood samples taken every hour, from 29 h to 49 h after implant withdrawal (Khireddine et al., 1998).
    • œstrus detection every 4 hours from implant withdrawal, and LH measurement from blood samples taken every 4 hours, for 24 hours as from the certified œstrus appearance. For females with a delayed œstrus, blood sampling continues until 72 hours after implant withdrawal (Culardes cows) (Maurel et al., 1994b).

    • The same kind of sampling protocol can be realised after œstrus detection in the case of artificial insemination realized after natural heats.
  • Preovulatory LH surge detection among heifers after superovulation treatment :

    Two protocols have been described :

    • After œstrus pre-synchronization, Culards cows receive 8 injections of porcine FSH (Stimufol). The LH surge is detected from blood samples taken every 3 hours, during a 42 hours period from the last FSH injection to the second artificial insemination (Maurel et al., 1994a).
    • After œstrus pre-synchronization, females (Charolaises cows) receive a FSH treatment (Stimufol). LH surge detection is done on blood samples taken 24 hours after CIDR-B treatment (experimental lot), or 12 hours after prostaglandin injection (control lot). Those injections are done every 3 hours for 36 hours (Lafri et al., 2002).



LH-DETECT® in Theriogenology, 2000 / 54, 1373 - 1387

PONSART C, KHIREDDINE B, PONTER A, HUMBLOT P, MIALOT JP, GRIMARD B 2000 Influence of the type of energy supply on LH secretion, follicular growth and response to oestrus synchronization treatment in feed-restricted suckler beef cows. Theriogenology 54:1373-1387

LH-DETECT® in Theriogenology, 2002 / 58, 1141 - 1151

LAFRI M, PONSART C, NIBART M, DURAND M, MOREL A, JEANGUYOT N, BADINAND F, DE MARI K, HUMBLOT P 2002 Influence of CIDR treatment during superovulation on embryo production and hormonal patterns in cattle. Theriogenology 58:1141-1151

LH-DETECT® in Italian Journal of Animal Science, 2005 / 4 (2): 307 - 309

2005 LH peak and ovulation in buffalo cows treated for oestrus synchronisation using two different hormonal schedul. ital.j.anim.sci. vol. 4 (suppl. 2), 307-309, 2005

LH-DETECT® in Theriogenology, 2011/ publié en ligne

N. KAWATE, A. OHNARI, I.N. PATHIRANA, M. SAKASE, E.E. BÜLLESBACH, M. TAKAHASHI, T. INABA, H. TAMADA, 2011. Changes in plasma concentrations of insulin-like peptide 3 and testosterone from birth to pubertal age in beef bulls. Theriogenology, 2011 / online


LH DETECT® in Reproduction, 2011 / 141 (6) :833-40

ZACHUT M, ARIELI A, MOALLEM U, 2011. Incorporation of dietary n-3 fatty acids into ovarian compartments in dairy cows and the effects on hormonal and behavioral patterns around estrus. Reproduction, 2011 Jun;141(6):833-40.



LH DETECT® pour bovins

Un kit de dosage immunoenzymatique, non radioactif, de l'hormone lutéinisante (LH) utilisable chez de nombreuses espèces animales.

  • Il peut être employé aussi bien au laboratoire pour des dosages très précis que pour la détection qualitative du pic pré-ovulatoire de LH, à partir du sang total, du plasma ou du sérum, et même du lait chez les ovins et les caprins. LH DETECT® fait l'objet d'une licence INRA, exclusive et mondiale.
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