Head office:
Centre INRAe Val de Loire
37380 Nouzilly, France
+33 (0) 2 47 42 79 35
LH DETECT® is particularly useful for the following works :
LH detection can be done from blood, plasma or serum samples, and even in the milk of sheeps.
Choose your substrate: ABTS or TMB (recommanded for quantitative works); and your kind of plate: entire one or strip one (divisible in 16-well segments).
LH DETECT® is build under an exclusive and wordlwide INRA licence.
LH DETECT® is an ELISA sandwich type immunoenzymatic test. The enzymatic activity is revealed by a chromogenic substrate.
Reaction intensity is proportionnal to LH concentration in the test sample. They evaluation may be performed visually (qualitative) or measured with a spectrophotometer.
For qualitative assay, a positive control sample permits the reaction validation. For this use, we recommend using ABTS as substrate.
For quantitative assay, a scale of standards, produced with the LH of the concerning specie, is used. In this case, we recommend using TMB as substrate.
You can choose between two types of plate: entire one, or strip one divisible in 16-well segments. The strip one allows avoiding defrosting all the wells when only a few samples are going to be tested.
Please find below the schematic procedure of LH DETECT®. It describes all the procedure, including sample and reagents preparation.
More detailed data are sent with any product order through our website. For any question regarding to the use of LH DETECT®, please ask to our technical team by using the 'Contact' email.
Download the schematic procedure
The time interval between LH surge and ovulation is constant and estimated at 21h ± 3h for 71% of goats (Leboeuf et al . 1996). On the contrary, the time interval "œstrus beginning - ovulation" is pretty variable and so doesn't bring such accuracy.
Like in ovines, LH DETECT® is able to measure LH in milk of females being in lactation. The LH surge duration is longer than in blood, which permits to space samplings out, but LH concentrations are smaller.The correlation coefficient obtained with a reference RIA measurement (Pelletier et al, 1982, J. Reprod. Fertil., 64, 341-346) is 0.976.
LH-DETECT® in Biology of Reproduction, 1999 / 60, 805 - 813
ROY F, MAUREL MC, COMBES B, VAIMAN D, CRIBIU E, LANTIER I, POBEL T, DELETANG F, COMBARNOUS Y, GUILLOU F 1999 The Negative Effect of Repeated Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin Treatment on Subsequent Fertility in Alpine Goats Is Due to a Humoral Immune Response Involving the Major Histocompatibility Complex. Biology of Reproduction 60:805-813
LH-DETECT® in Animal Reproduction Science, 2008
PELLICER-RUBIO MT, LEBOEUF B, BERNELAS D, FORGERIT Y, POUGNARD JL, BONNE JL, SENTY E. BRETON S, BRUN F, CHEMINEAU P 2008 High fertility using artificial insemination during deep anoestrus after induction and synchronisation of ovulatory activity by the "male effect" in lactating goats subjected to treatment with artificial long days and progestagens. Animal Reproduction Science 109(1-4):172-188